Digital Futures Gathering 2022

Collaborative strategies for just and sustainable digital futures

Digital Futures - Home_opener_final-kleiner_21.11.22_neu

In September 2022, more than 50 independent researchers, activists and civil society practitioners met in Berlin for the Digital Futures Gathering. Over the two-day event, participants imagined what just and sustainable digital futures can look like and developed collaborative strategies to work towards them. This website is a repository of the gathering’s documentation. We invite you to browse through the site, get inspired and discover new possibilities. As Gloria Steinem put it, ‘Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.’






Because we know what our past and present looks like, when thinking about the future we too often imagine what we will lose. It can be hard to imagine what we can win, so we asked participants to complete the following sentence: We will win if/when …

we can dream beyond the existing paradigm

we are free to choose if, how and when to connect

the digital rights community works with & learns from social justice movements

precarised tech workers are able to collectively bargain for their rights, no matter where they live and work

solidarity networks exist between activists in the global south and north

Alexa and Siri become a queer feminist couple

we heal

deciding on a (tech) job won’t be a moral conundrum

we defeat fascism

we are able to articulate alternative visions of the future that are based on hope and solidarity


A collection of essays, written by participants of the Digital Futures Gathering.